Profile Picture

Alexander Capehart (OxygenCobalt)

Full-stack software engineer

I've always been fascinated with computers. The idea that I could control something with pure logic and math alone felt like it was made for me. From my first experiences with HTML & CSS in middle school, I've always desired to learn more and seek out the next challenge. Since then, I've picked up both android development and backend development, using languages like Kotlin, JavaScript, Python, Java, C++, and more.

On a team, I would excel at tasks that require complex problem solving alongside extensive collaboration with team members and external stakeholders. I can communicate and explain my ideas and plans when faced with ambiguous situations and can come up with creative solutions to ensure a project's success.

I'm currently pursuing a B.S. in Computer Science at Colorado School of Mines. I'm also involved in Mines ACM and its associated activities, developing new skills and working as a team on club projects. Outside of my field, I enjoy going outside and listening to music.

Work experience

Full-Stack Software Engineer Intern


May 2024 - August 2024


I worked on a production-grade React web application that natively integrates with Microsoft Excel to empower information workers to efficiently access and utilize Ombud's CRM data. In addition, I also redesigned an internal import tool for employees into a customer-facing self-service importer, significantly improving reliability and flexibility.

Notable accomplishments:
  • Developed new CI/CD pipelines for the application with Jenkins
  • Deployed containerized services to internal and production environments
  • Learned and refactored a large existing codebase to maintainably implement new functionality without regressions
  • Engaged with regular unit and QA testing to ensure production-quality code

Full-Stack Software Engineer

OreCart Transit System

August 2023 - June 2024


I worked for the OreCart Transit System on a cross-platform mobile application with React Native that allows Golden residents and Mines students to view route information, shuttle locations, and arrival times. I also created on production-grade web backend with FastAPI that will allow transit system administrators to view ridership analytics and easily update information when shuttle routes change.

Notable accomplishments:
  • Designed a consistent and streamlined mobile application UI/UX with an emphasis on immediate ease-of-use
  • Planned a flexible database schema with an emphasis on usability with future management needs
  • Scaled the location backend infrastructure to handle 100k+ location requests per hour while still providing accurate arrival time estimates
  • Containerized the backend with Docker to improve development speed and environment consistency

Programming Concepts (CSCI200) TA

Colorado School of Mines

January 2024 - Present

I am helping the 100+ students in CSCI200 advance their understanding of the C++ programming language and foundational programming skills. I serve two office hour sessions per week, in which I assist with course material, the 3-4 programming projects assigned each week, and the semester-long final project.


Auxio App Icon


August 2020 - Present


I am the primary maintainer of a Music Player App for Android with over 1k+ stars and 15k+ downloads on GitHub. It is written in Kotlin with modern MVVM architecture practices and UI/UX design based on Material Design 3. As the project grew, I addressed user needs and worked with external contributors to fix bugs and improve functionality.

Now Playing UI Screenshot
Album UI Screenshot

Mines ACM Logo

Mines ACM Site

June - August 2023


The new site to be used for the Mines ACM chapter, built with Bootstrap on the frontend and Node.js/Express.js/PostgreSQL on the backend. I collaborated with other contributors on the project's frontend and backend, writing much of authentication, project management, meeting creation, and attendance systems.

Mines ACM Site Homepage

Solitare Gameplay Screenshot


October - December 2022

My semester project for CSCI200. It implements a mouse-driven GUI interface for the Solitaire card game using C++ and SFML, leveraging object-oriented programming and SOLID principles. Additional features include a move count, play time, and statistics about past games that update over time.

Monoman Gameplay Screenshot


September 2021 - January 2022

A fun puzzle-platformer where you reveal different level elements by shifting between background colors. Written in Python with Pygame using custom assets, including 15 challenging levels.

FXChess Gameplay Screenshot


May - July 2020

A chess game written using modern Java and JavaFX. Implements the major rules of chess with custom visuals.

Sweepered Gameplay Screenshot


May - July 2020

A minesweeper game written in modern Java and JavaFX. Contains a variety of game options.



Kotlin, Java, C++, Python, TypeScript, JavaScript, SQL, HTML, CSS, Bash

Frameworks & Technologies:

Android, Node.js, Express.js, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Bootstrap, Linux, Docker


Git, Android Studio, Sublime Text, IntelliJ IDEA, VS Code


Technical Writing/Specification, Requirement Gathering, Mockups, Documentation, REST